Kids from La Paz; there are around 18,000 children and only room for 8,000 to go to school. The team was able to go into 3 schools and take some supplies along with the Gospel.
This is our last group 08/16-23/08 that came from Alabama withthe Marshall Baptist Association. Three churches were represented: South Sauty Bapt Ch in Langston; Mt Vernon Bapt in Boaz and Shiloh Bapt in Leesburg, AL. We worked in La Paz for 5 days, witnessing, praying with the people, inviting Bible Studies in their homes and passing out the book of Luke. As a result, there were 3 homes for Bible study, 32 professions of faith and 13 rededications; God tremendously blessed the efforts and they had a wonderful time. We appreciate all the hard work and their great attitude for it!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
This was a small team from Clarke County Baptist Association in Alabama. They did a tremendous amount of work in Zacapa. We stayed in Santa Cruz, which made us about a 40 minute trip to and from there every day, but it was well worth it to work with Pastor Rolando and his church. They were ready every morning with at least 3 to 4 of their members to go out with us. The people were very gracious and listened; we had at least 24 who prayed to receive Christ. The church of Zacapa will do the follow-up on this.
The Bartleys in Tennessee.
After Costa Rica, Guatemala & Panama, we are back in Tennessee, working with our church, ISBC, going to Nicaragua several times a year. There we have a partnership with Primera Bautista de Corinto and their school. Also, we will be leading teams to the Seminary in Managua to teach courses, both there and the extension center in Chinandega, Puerto Cabezas and Waspam. If the Lord should lead you in this way, please contact us at
Hudson Taylor said:
"Finding one's purpose with God can be a strange and mysterious journey; or, it can be as plain as asking God for a task and then watching your desire for that task grow within you. Problem is, most of us forget to ask God to fill us with a fervent spirit to serve Him. Then, years later, we wake up and realize we had our life. We made our choices....our safe choices; but, somehow, we missed the richness of following our God down an uncharted path."
Keith & Glenna Bartley
IMB Missionaries to Panama & delighted grandparents
Keith retired after 35 years with Eastman Chemical Co., and together, we raised 2 wonderful & handsome young men who married the most beautiful women in the world; Eva married Jonathan & Steph married Joshua. Keith took his first mission trip in 1988 to Honduras & I took mine in 1992 to Russia. Since then we have taken many short-term mission trips. God led us to apply with IMB in 2005 & from there He led us to Costa Rica in order to learn the Spanish language. After 3 years, we are still learning. (Our 1st grandchild was born.) For 2 years, we worked in Guatemala with Operation Go. (We had 2 more grandchildren) November 2009 until May 2010 we spent in the States. As of June 2010, we are working in Panama, Central America, as Volunteer Connectors; which means we will be connecting churches here with churches in the States If this sounds interesting to you, please contact us for more info. We would love to talk with you. (Our 4th grandchild will be born in Sept - God is so good!)