Friday, August 9, 2013

Pastor Alan Lovelace, from Knoxville, taught the men during the day & also baptized in the river several converts,with 2 Pastors from Waspam who organized everything for the 3-day Crusade & our Pastor Roc, who preached for those 3 nites.
I was privileged to be there with Jeralyn (Pastor Roc's wife) & Ruth (Omar's wife); they spoke to the ladies during the day.
They wore their Sunday best for the evening services.
3 days & nites of teaching, exhorting & meetings; they made this tent specifically for that time & it was very sturdy - every evening it filled to capacity & then some, revealing their hunger & thirst for God, His Word & fellowship!
We went back to Waspam in May, 2013, which may look desolate to you, but where Christianity, at this time, is thriving.

Monday, April 22, 2013

We had a grand time with Pastor Felix & Omar traveling through Alabama, Georgia & TN visiting churchs & teams going to Nicaragua.  The weather worked well for us, although it was very cold for them coming from 110 degree weather. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

ISBC sent a team of  "5 seasoned men" to Nicaragua to construct a new dormitory, bathrooms & more room for Omar & family in their team house in Chinandega. 

Only the LORD Himself could have sent me here - and He did in January.  Pastor Roc, Youth Minister Mark Estepp and Jim Carson led the Pastors from many different areas up & down river in various studies.  My privilege was to teach the women, mostly Pastor's wives, in Methods of Inductive Bible Study & Homiletics.  These women sat for 2 1/2 days on old, old picnic tables.  We went from English to Spanish to Meskito; took me about a 1/2 day to learn to how to do this.  Keith, of course, took care of all the logistics & did an excellent job, if I say so myself.  The LORD is certainly multiplying the seeds sown.