Thursday, May 29, 2008

Coming back from Jerez, a scouting trip for Op Go on Monday, we had our 2nd car accident here in Guatemala. It could have been much worse, Keith was able to slide into the side of him (a big truck), instead of plowing into the back, or hitting the concrete ditch on the right side. We felt very blessed that we were not injured. The guy just drove off, you could not tell that his truck had been hit (it was old anyway), our Toyota was drivable, but K had to get out the passenger side. It was just another grand cultural experience for us. Our 1st accident, neither had been our fault, thank goodness, a guy hit the back of our Toyota, damaged his front, but not ours. We really mean it when we say 'thank you for your prayers'; we feel them and we give Him praise for sustaining us while being here. Other things, there is not the space for, just know He is working in all that is happening and we are grateful to you and to Him. Saturday we leave again with another team from Elmore Baptist Association - pray His will be done on earth as it is in heaven; we are so privileged to be a part of that here in Guatemala.


Grannie Rains said...

We are thankful too that you are okay, Prayers do make the difference.
Love, Carolyn - Grannie Rains

Brandy Kisner said...

We are always praying for your safety, as you know. That is Joseph's number one concern! He loves looking at your blog. we will keep you in our prayers for Sat!!Love you guys!
The Kisner's

Steve and Nancy Byrd said...

We are so thankful to the Lord that you are serving Him abroad. We served him in Glade Spring Va for 16 months but have returned to ISBC for a season. Here are words from our special music that we can claim- "For thou O Lord, are a Shield for me, my Glory and the Lifter of my head". He has been faithful to you and to us.

Love the Byrd family
Steve, Nancy and David