We landed 8:30pm Mon the 26th of Oct & the picture you see is what fall looks like in NE TN this time of year - we haven't seen this in 4 years. It is beginning to feel colder, especially when the sun does not shine. We have been to see our youngest son in VA & in 2 weeks, we will be off to see our oldest in OK. The benefit is that the grandestchildren in the world are there; if you know what I mean.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
We landed 8:30pm Mon the 26th of Oct & the picture you see is what fall looks like in NE TN this time of year - we haven't seen this in 4 years. It is beginning to feel colder, especially when the sun does not shine. We have been to see our youngest son in VA & in 2 weeks, we will be off to see our oldest in OK. The benefit is that the grandestchildren in the world are there; if you know what I mean.
Monday, September 28, 2009
See our Countdown Clock below for the time we fly out of Guatemala back to the States. Now we are in the process of doctor's appointments and packing for clearance. Our stay has been a great experience & blessing because of the people here; we will truly miss the friends we have made that feel like family. The LORD has been very gracious to us & we are thankful & sad at the same time, but we know we will see them again. We are greatly anticipating what God has in store for us.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Arkansas Team 08/01-08/09
This team from The Church at Crossgate Center in Hot Springs, ARK worked 3 different areas and probably experienced more culture than any of the other teams we have had. Mon & Tues was spent in Santa Domingo Xanacoj, where they saw the Fiesta de la Ciudad celebrating their saint, mixed with some Mayan tradition. Then on Wed & Thurs they visited homes in Santa Catarina Barahona and San Antonio, Aguas Calientes where they partook in savoring some typical Guatemalan dishes. Their use of the salvation bracelet was quite a hit in all the places and we had just an all around good time & good weather with great food & fellowship. The Lord is good & worthy of all praise! Thanks ARK team for coming & sharing!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
This team worked in San Felipe, close to Antigua July 26 through July 30th; they enjoyed fellowship with the church members as they climbed up and down the hills of this little village (although they would not use the term 'little' when the day was done). We appreciate their labor of love and especially the attitude they presented for the whole week of work. We enjoyed their company and God gave the increase; to Him belongs all the glory!
Monday, July 13, 2009
FOURTH OF JULY in Guate was spent at a Prayer Retreat in San Jose, about 2 hrs from Guatemala City. We had a great time of worship & praise & some relaxation at this particular hotel on the beach. Actually, you had to walk about 1/4 of a mile to get to the beach. Guate beaches are black sand and very rough waves. It was a good time of fellowship with many of the missionaries we normally do not see but once or twice a year. Just an UPDATE for those of you who regularly pray for us: We are still planning on our stateside for 6 months, beginning Oct 26 until sometime in May, 2010 and then Panama; at least that has been our last notice from IMB & so we appreciate your prayers for what we need to accomplish in being back in the good ole US of A!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Medical Team in GUATE
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On June 23-26th, Keith & I had the privilege of working with a Medical Team from Alabama. A local Baptist church here in Guatemala city opened their facilities and they were able to see a total of 280 people; they also shared good personal hygiene with the families. The Lord blessed with a total of 7 people praying to receive Christ as the team had set up time to counsel spiritually. This was the teams first trip overseas, and of course, our first time to work with a medical team. We learned much and now have a better understanding of what is needed.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
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Keith and I visited the northern part of Guate, where we have not been before. We went by several churches where the missionaries work and visited a Pastor. Thought you might want to see some of the beautiful country & people.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
This is the team from our home church, ISBC, in Kingsport, TN (the driver and translators are included, 2 other churches in TN & 1 from Atlanta, GA); they worked from May 2-9, 2009 in a squatter village on the hill just up from Jocotenango, close to Antigua, Guatemala. I must prefice and emphasize that much prayer was put into this work before and during that time. An incredible harvest was reaped and the potential of over 50 Bible studies in homes for the future may be started. We give God glory for what He can and has done through the willingness of His people to be used in such a way. One of the interpreters gave testimony that she had been shown how easy it was for her to be able to present the Gospel to her own friend and a great blessing to lead her to faith in Christ!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
This is a 'before' picture of a bridge in Villa Nueva, where we worked a few weeks ago, and had to cross over, with the help of a strong arm and a prayer. People cross it every day carrying heavy loads on their back or head, and so, we were impressed to help provide a better bridge. The Lord has provided enough money to buy a truck chassis and a volunteer to set anchors, at a minimum cost to the church, hopefully, before rainy season sets in. The bridge is about 8 ft above, just enough to make you leery. I will put a picture of the new one as soon as it is built.
Monday, April 6, 2009
This team worked in Rio Hondo, Zacapa for 4 days, then San Martin Jilotepeque in Guatemala for 1 day more. It was at least 107 degrees, give or take a degree or two, for those 4 days in Zacapa, but they did a wonderful job and God graciously opened the door to 3 schools in that area for them to minister in and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with over 600 students. The people there were very friendly and many homes were opened to us. As Sid so appropriately said "we didn't just plant a garden, but a field!"
Saturday, March 21, 2009
This team may not even be home yet - from Enon Bapt, AL, they are still travelling home. We had a great week in Villa Nueva working with the church there called Ciudad de Refugio (City of Refuge) and truly we pray that the church is a refuge in that place for many. The team worked hard reaping a potential of 45 Bible Studies in homes and over a 100 prayed to receive Christ. They also worked in the different schools there which resulted in one school talking of adding a period in the day for studying the Bible, led by one of the church members. An interesting story: the first day, we always prayer-walk the area first, we encountered in our path a dead animal; later several ladies confirmed it was put there to place a curse on us so that we would not come back - but, God was faithful and He protected us and prepared our way - to Him be all glory!
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well, while I was in Mexico City for a Ladies Retreat, Logan Caleb Bartley decided it was a good time to finally come into this world. This is a picture of his footprints on his daddy's arm. I would say those are not the only places he has put them by now; born Feb 21st at 4:19pm; 8lb 2oz; 20.5in, he has captured the heart of many, not to mention 2 in Guatemala. The LORD has blessed us tremendously (this happens to be #3 and we are just now in our 3rd year on the field).
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
This is a team from Lake Village, Ark that worked with us in Monjas, about 30 minutes from Jalapa. Believe it or not, the weather was rather cool during this time of year there and it was quite pleasant, but our work was very hard. There is a great need for a baptist work in that area. Pray God will open doors and hearts.
Monday, January 12, 2009
We hit the ground running again; our first team for the new year, Jan 3rd, was Caroline Baptist Association from Arkansas. We worked in Flores Costa Cuca with Pastor Carmelino and church. On Wednesday evening in the central park, the team concluded with a wonderful praise and worship service. They were tremendously blessed with a potential of 28 Bible Studies from that community.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We were blessed to be able to go to the States for both and be with our families. Our son, Josh and his wife, Steph and our grandson, Drew, who turned one year old in January, were with us in Tennessee. As our custom, we also cooked the 'hog-jaw and black-eyed peas' with the help of Keith's sister Sharon, on her wood cook stove, to celebrate the New Year; the meal was delicioso! The time was too short.
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