Monday, July 13, 2009

FOURTH OF JULY in Guate was spent at a Prayer Retreat in San Jose, about 2 hrs from Guatemala City. We had a great time of worship & praise & some relaxation at this particular hotel on the beach. Actually, you had to walk about 1/4 of a mile to get to the beach. Guate beaches are black sand and very rough waves. It was a good time of fellowship with many of the missionaries we normally do not see but once or twice a year. Just an UPDATE for those of you who regularly pray for us: We are still planning on our stateside for 6 months, beginning Oct 26 until sometime in May, 2010 and then Panama; at least that has been our last notice from IMB & so we appreciate your prayers for what we need to accomplish in being back in the good ole US of A!

1 comment:

jwalls said...

Keith and Glenna, As I was doing my prayer time this morning, the lord put you on my heart, do not know if you are going through something and need extra prayer or what. I came to your website and oh my you all have been busy this summer. I will never forget our time with you in June of 2008. I want to do another trip so bad. I hope the Lord with open the doors for Mike and I to do another one soon. I hope you all have a fabulous visit home and then I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you next. Love Judy and Mike Walls