Wednesday, October 20, 2010

As of September 9th, we are back in the states & on that date, we also were blessed to have our 4th grand-baby, Grant Franklin Bartley, making it 3 grand boys & 1 grand baby girl in our household coffer. Also, as of September 20th, we have opted to take a leave of absence from the Mission Board and as of this time we are traveling to see & reconnect with family & friends. We are not sure where or what type of ministry the Lord will lead us into, but we are sure that He knows & will let us know at the appropriate time. We would appreciate your prayers with us concerning His leading & direction, that we may hear & obey, which is our heart's desire.


MillerMissions said...

Know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. God has some wonderful plans to continue to use you to bring glory to the Kingdom. So glad we can trust Him and not have to depend on our own understanding.

Love you guys! Keep in touch, please.

Jenn said...

We'll be praying for you both and that God's direction will be clear.

We miss you and think about you very often! If you find yourself driving through Kentucky - call us up - we'd love to see you!